07 May 2012


J'ai eu ma dernière classe de français au lycée aujourd'hui. C'était la seule classe que j'avais chaque année, avec la même prof, dans la même salle de classe, avec essentiellement les mêmes filles. Cet année, il y avait seulement 3 étudiantes dans ma classe de français cinq, et nous sommes devenues très proches. Je ne suis pas sûre pourquoi, mais cet après-midi quand j'ai rentré chez moi, j'ai mis mon Facebook, youtube, Tumblr, et Twitter en français. Aussi, évidemment, j'écris ce blog la première fois dans un an en français. Je sais le français finalement assez couramment que je puisse faire quelque chose comme ce blog et sois compris (même s'il n'est pas parfait).

J'étudierai le français à l'université. J'espère que quand j'arrive, je ne trouverai pas que je ne suis pas vraiment autant bonne que les autres.

Je ne me souviens pas ce dont je voulais écrire... donc au revoir!

J'écoute: "Up From Below" par Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros
Je lis: mon livre de vocabulaire. J'ai un examen de tous les mots demain.

21 June 2011

It's been way too long, but I haven't had anything to say. I don't feel like recapping work/courtney/hannah stories. I'm blogging from bed at 4am as a reminder.
***The Next Day***
My summer internship fell through, so the only productive things going on this summer are work and the week-long summer camp that I did at St. Martin's. I swear, the kids in that camp were beyond insane. It was incredibly hot (I hate sweating) but the other counselors were awesome (considering I was the oldest and the only one who didn't go to St. Martin's, I really felt like I belonged), so I didn't mind.

Update: The class I had signed into when I signed out of Kristi's acting class wound up being full! Who would have guessed African American Literature would fill up its first year? So the Vice Principal of the school (she's in charge of scheduling) emailed me and I emailed back and... by the end of it she basically asked me what I didn't like about Kristi as a director. And I told her. Courtney and Leo helped me recall the list of grievances and I fleshed the unbiased and reasonable ones out into seven strong paragraphs. I spent the rest of that weekend freaking out over what the VP would say, turned out that would be absolutely nothing. I still haven't heard back and it's been five weeks.

Let's keep a running tally of friends I've seen this summer (coworkers don't count unless outside of work)
Courtney: 8
Hannah: 4
Kelsey: 5
Charles: 3
Erica: 3
Bailey: 3
Spencer: 2
Olivia: 2
Abby: 1
Abbey: 1
Andrew: 1
Leo: 1

19 May 2011

Life Before Summer

I’m sitting in my living room, my dad watching baseball, my stepmom on the phone, my sister playing with her Scooby-Doo dolls talking incessantly, and my music playing from my laptop. My poor little MacBook is almost completely out of memory and is currently being held together with bright orange gaff tape. I have 3 exams left, but I don’t foresee myself studying for Religion. I’m wearing a brown school sweater for the second-to-last time before I get my Senior sweater. I have a hot cup of tea and no internet connection, so I guess I’ll write a blog post describing my life at this point.

My weekend consisted of Friday-night adventures from the second Courtney picked me up from school. I’m gonna miss the nights when I can hang out with Courtney, Val, Charles, and Kelsey in one night. Come Monday they’ll all be high school graduates and I won’t be. We stayed out with Charles on the lakefront watching a lightning storm until midnight, when we settled in in Chalmette to make the STK slideshow until 4:30 AM. Saturday, I saw many of my Millie peeps at the theatre banquet. I helped set up even though I’m not an officer, made a last-minute Broadway playlist and saved the day again, and had fun trying different teas and making fun of the speech team with Leo. Oh, and Sunday I learned of the most immature rumor that has ever been spread about anyone in real life, much less me. So that was fun.

I work with the girl who spread this lie about me for the first time in 5 months this Saturday, so I’m sure that’ll be even more fun. Let’s hope we both come out alive, but I make no promises.

On Tuesday, I finally got some courage and signed out of Acting class with the Director Devil who made my semester miserable. As much as I’d like to, I simply can’t stage manage next year. Something’s gotta give, and while I’d like to remain active in STK and close with my theatre friends, I can’t sell my soul again.

Oo I found this thing on Tumblr that describes you based on your birth month. Now, I don’t normally go for these things (I disagree with half of the things I should be as a Scorpio), but this one was very interesting and mostly accurate:


Stubborn and hard-hearted. Strong-willed and highly motivated. Sharp thoughts. Easily angered. Attracts others and loves attention. Deep feelings. Beautiful physically and mentally. Firm Standpoint. Needs no motivation. Shy towards opposite sex. Easily consoled. Systematic (left brain). Loves to dream. Strong clairvoyance. Understanding. Sickness usually in the ear and neck. Good imagination. Good physical. Weak breathing. Loves literature and the arts. Loves travelling. Dislike being at home. Restless. having many children. Hardworking. High spirited.

I don’t see myself as easily angered, physically good, or having many children, but the rest are pretty spot-on. If you know me, please correct me if I’m wrong.

I’m already going on adventures and living like it’s summer, which is making this exam thing hard. I hope this summer-before-senior-year is as magical as it’s already been.

Currently Reading Will Grayson, Will Grayson again. I had to take a small break to read a book for History class.

Currently Listening to "The City" by Chuck Criss

06 May 2011

In Which I Evaluate...

...my plans for senior year.

I need to type this out for myself. I can't make the decision whether or not to stage manage for my school next year. This whole school, clubs, work, and STK's possession of my soul does not work.

Pros of Stage management
-Kristi kind of expects me to do it, and I hate disappointing people
-I'll be able to keep calling the PAC home
-I can work between shows
-I won't be leaving the play in some questionable hands
-I'll have some influence in what STK does even though I'm not an officer
-I can fix everything that needs fixing
-Tower and other traditions
-Cool title and senior room privileges
-There's a sick part of me that enjoyed it

Cons of Stage management
-I won't be able to work during shows
-Celebration (the one year I'll be able to get solos)
-I refuse to work with Rebecca again, and she's prop crew head
-I did swear that I would never do it again
-If we do Hairspray, I'll shove fire ants in Carli's eyes
-I have no idea who will even be in these shows after the Millie nonsense
-I can do spotlight, and have enough experience to put on my resume to get into theatre in college

In other news, this week I got inducted into 2 new honor societies (music honor society and plain old National Honor Society in addition to French), spent a lovely afternoon with Courtney and Charles, played my first ukulele gig in front of people at my school's art show and actually made tips in my case, took my first AP exam (U.S. History) and I don't think I did too terribly (I expect a 4), lost the first club election I've ever run in, watched the first 2 episodes of the new season of Doctor Who (SO GOOD) and fallen even further behind in YouTube, Tumblr, and Twitter (still haven't seen Starship). That plus tons of schoolwork make for a trying week. Prom is tomorrow, I'm going with a friend from the play. I'll be sure to write anything I don't want to forget here.

Currently Reading Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green & David Levithan again. I passed my Frankenstein quiz in spite of the fact that I didn't actually read the last 5 chapters
Currently Listening to "Mister Cellophane" from Chicago.

28 April 2011

lol iTunes

Format shamelessly stolen from Nick's tumblr, but I've been meaning to talk about my music library on here for a while, because nobody else cares.

Number of Songs: 3421

Top 10 Most Played:

“Dog Days Are Over” - Florence + the Machine

“Teenage Dream (Glee Cast Version) [feat. Darren Criss]” - Glee Cast

“Starlight” - Muse

“I Belong to You/Mon coeur s’ouvre a ta voix” - Muse

“I Have Friends in Holy Spaces” - Panic! At the Disco

“Human” - Darren Criss

“House Song” - Ministry of Magic

“Undisclosed Desires” - Muse

“Never Forget You” - Noisettes

“Long As I’m Here With You” - Thoroughly Modern Millie OST

5 Songs That Come Up on Shuffle:

“Goodbye Love” - Rent Film Soundtrack

“Call to Arms” - Ministry of Magic

“Class” - Chicago Film Soundtrack

“Effington” - Ben Folds

“No Cars Go" - Arcade Fire

Search - How many songs come up?

sex: 6

love: 161

you: 431

death: 18

hate: 7

wish: 8

dream: 25

I reset my play counter thing with the new year, so you can see I've been listening to a lot of Muse, Panic!, and Darren Criss. You can also see I don't listen to much radio music. I honestly don't remember listening to Dog Days Are Over that much, but iTunes never lies.

Currently Listening to Fall Out Boy's cover of "Beat It" by Michael Jackson

Currently Reading Frankenstein still. I'm extremely behind and should be reading it right now instead of blogging. Oh well

24 April 2011

Thoroughly Ghetto Millie

It's over! My play closed last Sunday and I'm almost fully recovered. I'm still a bit stuffy and coughy, but I've caught up on my sleep and can live through the withdrawals of seeing this cast every day. To give you some perspective, I see either of my parents every day for up to 5 weeks at a time. I saw these 30 people almost every day for ELEVEN WEEKS. I cried with them, laughed with them, complained, cuddled, stressed, sang, danced, even went to church with them once. Somehow, we put on what some people called the best show STK has put on.

I wish I could document everything I loved that happened over the last 11 weeks. Things such as
-Getting dressed in the guys dressing room before I found a place to change.
-Friday and Saturday show quartet sung to me in surround sound by Courtney, Carl, and Leo
-Helping Kelsey get ready for prom on Friday
-The line to hug me after I broke down, then Leo cutting that line to hug me
-Adventure to Charles's house
-Everyone loving me more than Ashley
-Getting in the cart for Maddy and Daws
-Jeremy at the piano
-Ghetto-rigging the curtain
-Seeing the sophomores and eighth-graders in the show in the halls
-The epic first Tower. Tower, Twisted, getting kicked out of Wendy's and sitting in Charles' car, then Leo driving me home
-Using Haley's and Kaitlyn's phones as candles for our romantic tech week dinners
-Church with the cast (and running late with Courtney)
-Riding home with Katherine and telling her my life
-The Wobble
-The ALCove
-Ganging up on Erica
-The moment Carli joined our side against Kristi
-Notes sessions with Leo
-Convincing a giant group of actors that they had to stay in rehearsal an hour later when they in fact were getting out early. I win.
-"Somebody get that girl a water bottle!"
-Anti-joke contests
--See whose joke offends Erica so much she leaves
--Francesca doesn't know who Helen Keller is
--Daws's face when Tom Robinson walked past as he was about to tell a black joke
-Hacking Jack's facebook with the guys
-When Leo called my mom to ask if I could go to Tower
-Painting the stage with Courtney, Kelsey, and Kelle then bonding with Jacobs and Petrie
-The small Tower night in which Leo, Carl, Courtney, and I caught Kelle up on our drama
-The Cast Party
--Riding with Courtney, Kelsey, and Charles to Chalmette, then food, truth or dare, pool, hot tub, pool(volleyball), hot tub, pool(getting untangled), hot tub(Cassanova...), pool, hot tub, food, ghost story, 3am

So that's it. Now you might understand how I didn't have time to blog.

Currently Reading Frankenstein for school
Currently Listening to "Let's Go Outside" by Luke Conard and Tessa Violet

13 April 2011

What would I give for time to blog...